Friday, July 4, 2008

What whining sound?

When I'm home on a mondaythroughfriday day, for whatever reason, I like to visualize myself at my desk now and then. Just so I get the full appreciation of being here and not there.

Jesse Helms died today. Yay. Finally. I can't believe such a racist, homophobic and anti-art bastard got to die on Fourth of July. (He now shares a death date with Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. What a joke.)

We're having a quiet morning at home today, complete with trying to see who can longest ignore the fact that the baby in bed with us is awake and wanting attention. We play this game most mornings. Unfortunately, I have the magic milk makers, so I usually lose, knowing that we all win a little if I just feed her and we all doze off for awhile. Kolya got up and made some super yellow eggs with the last of the drying up mushrooms and some spinach leaves. Side by side with the rainier cherries and a not-local and not-sustainable, but organic and free trade banana, which I shared with Calamity. She really doesn't care about food, not at all. So she squashed it around on her belly and that was pretty much that.

Today is a day with no plan. I like it that way. So far I've recycled paper that was cluttering up the living room, and hope to continue the spontaneous tidying I've started. (Stopping to blog is not likely to help with that ...) then it's cookie-baking for DeShaz and La Suze and Tobey and new baby Wilkie.

Since this is a food NaBloPoMo (which I'm not officially signed up for, if that's even how it works), I'll say that I'm hurting for a farmers market today. We're nearly out of food, and even gave in and bought broccoli and bok choi at the supermarket yesterday. (hanging head in shame, as it's July and there's no call for that).

In other news, we've cooked seriously good meals all week. And there's still a frozen rabbit pie with spring vegetables from last week's market. I'm not sure whether to thaw it before cooking or just stick it in the oven. Advice?? (SHG, since you're my sole reader!)


starrhillgirl said...

Well, if you didn't already eat the rabbit pie, I'd just pop that mofo in the oven straight from the freezer.

starrhillgirl said...

Umm... I wasn't done....

Anyway. By the powers vested in me by the Lunch Gods, I absolve you of your non-local sins. For the banana, you are forgiven. For the store bought produce, you are forgiven.

As penance, make a pie.

Hard Girl said...

That pie was good. Just popped it in straight. It had peas and green garlic and tarragon and mint and other things. Like eating in a fancy restaurant in my living room.